Siberian cats of Cattery

Teddy Valenika
Gender: Siberian tomcat
Color: d 24 03 (красный пятнистый с белым)
Age: 1 year
Birthday: 13.04.2022
С котенком передаются: Родословная на 5 колен, Ветеринарный паспорт, Договор, Акт приемки-передачи котенка, Печатные фото котенка

We are glad to introduce you our smart Siberian cats and their kittens in Minsk.

All our cats are vaccinated, kept at home, and are regarally tested for: leukemia of cats (FELV), the immunodeficiency virus of cats (FIV), coronavirus gastroenteritis (FeCoV), chlamydia. Siberian cats of our Cattery must undergo examination for such genetic diseases as cardiac dystrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), as well as for polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The results of the surveys can be found on the personal page of the cat.

In addition, cats and their kittens undergo regular veterinary checks before every cat show in which one or another Siberian cat participates. At the cat show, national and international WCF experts are also examined and evaluated. Expert ratings are also available on the personal pages of cats.